Anxiety and Stress Retreat in Cornwall
Regain Your Peace of Mind in a Tranquil, Rural Setting

Living with anxiety and stress can feel like your life is no longer your own. The feelings of overwhelm can make you feel paralysed, unable to live up to your duties as a parent, employee, partner or friend. And despite all the publicity about mental health, it can still be so hard to reach out for help when you need it most.

Crockwood Farm is here to change all that. Having suffered from work-related burn-out myself, I know what it’s like to suffer repeated panic attacks, how scary it is to realise that you are no longer yourself and to wonder if you will ever feel normal again. I am here to reassure you that you can feel better and you will. Crockwood Farm will give you the time and space you need to reflect on your situation, to gain some new perspectives and the specific help you need to recover.

Experience peace and tranquility. Take your time. Be gentle on yourself.

And try not to worry. Help is at hand.

Why Residential Retreats are the Most Effective Option for Mental Wellness

Many organisations provide on-site coaches or helplines for their employees. Whilst that’s a great resource, I don’t believe it’s as helpful as it could be because the employee is kept in the “problem space”. If work is the problem, then on-site or telephone help do not enable the person to escape from the source of the anxiety.

Whereas a residential retreat, particularly one that is set in Cornwall, provides the much-needed distance and separation from the source of the problem. Distance really does make a difference when it comes to work-related anxiety.

Our residential Retreat provides a more holistic treatment experience that addresses the deeper causes and far-reaching effects of your condition rather than just its symptoms, allowing you to heal more fully. I blend the most effective techniques to help you recover quickly but in the most gentle, yet powerful way.

In an immersive residential setting, you will be given sustainable strategies to take away to enable you to maintain your recovery once you are back home.

We really do help you regain your peace of mind, your emotional balance, your natural perspective and that feeling that you are returning to “normal” once more.

It’s a great feeling to know that help is at hand, there is light at the end of the tunnel and that you are working with someone who has been where you are now and has recovered, to live an even better life than the one she had previously!

If I can do it, so can you.

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Discover how my Stress Retreat can transform your life gently, powerfully and effectively

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At Crockwood Farm We Treat


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Executive Burnout

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Imposter Syndrome

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Feeling Not Good Enough

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Why Crockwood Farm is The Best Retreat for Mental Health

Stress, worry and lack of downtime are known triggers for most mental health conditions. At Crockwood Farm, I focus, in particular, on work-related stress, having suffered Imposter Syndrome and burn-out in my early thirties.
At Crockwood Farm you will find the solace you need, participating in a programme of wellness that is specifically aimed at massively reducing your anxiety and stress. The programme includes re-connecting with nature, mindfulness, complete rest and tailor-made therapy, designed around your exact needs. I have created a unique place of tranquility so that you can unwind and let go of all the tension and worry that has been weighing you down.

You’ll stay in your own private cosy cottage with a secluded back garden and patio and enjoy access to our ponds, 9 acres of beautiful grounds, which provide the perfect setting for self-reflection or just pure relaxation. The beauty and serenity of Crockwood Farm provides an ideal environment for healing and the naturalness of the environment enables you to observe the wildlife going on all around you.

Listen to the birds, watch them feast on the bird-feeders, delight in how cheeky the squirrels can be when they steal the food, count the pheasants and rabbits and if you’re very lucky, you may even see the deer that visit our paddocks from time to time.

There can be no better setting in which to relax and forget all about life for a while. But I’m not going to send you home without first enabling you to re-gain your physical, emotional and mental health. You will leave The Retreat confident that you can cope with life once more … just like you used to.

Why Choose Us

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Admission Process

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Dual Diagnosis Treatment

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At Typical Day At Crockwood Farm

When I place myself in your shoes, I often think how scary it must be when you are already suffering from anxiety, to take yourself to a remote place in Cornwall, with someone you don’t know, not having a clue what’s going to happen to you when you get there! If that were me, my anxiety would leap off the scale!!

So I want to set out a typical day here, so that you can reassure yourself that it will be a lovely experience and that you won’t be put under any pressure to do anything.

I offer 3 and 5 day residential stays and on each day the walk is in a different location. We begin with a gentle walk on Day 1, gradually building to a spectacular walk on Day 3 or 5, which is both demanding and rewarding with breath-taking views.

As we walk, we can chat about what’s troubling you and after you have enjoyed a home cooked lunch in the privacy of your cottage, we will spend the afternoons together, really focusing on and getting rid of whatever is troubling you.

Only one person stays at The Retreat at any given time, ensuring you total privacy and exclusive therapy, completely tailored to your needs.

I ensure your cottage is equipped with luxury, calming and relaxing toiletries so that you can completely unwind during your evenings with a hot bath and settle down with a good book or a DVD. I also provide sleep aids, such as pillow sprays, to help give you a deep and nurturing sleep.

As you can see, there is plenty of time for you to be by yourself, free from the sources of your anxiety but there is also time to work with a trained therapist who can liberate you from your feelings of overwhelm and stress. If there’s anytime in between, I encourage you to tend to your cottage garden – a known mindfulness activity which is both calming and productive – but nothing is forced on you. You are always free to do nothing, if that is what you prefer or need.

Everything at The Retreat is designed with your total well-being in mind. You can trust that your time here will be well spent and that we will take care of you. You will be completely safe and looked after.

In fact, as much as I would like you to receive specialist therapy that would take care of your issues forever, I must promise you that if you wanted to come here and do absolutely nothing but sleep or rest, I would respect that and leave you to it. (But I also think that would be a waste of your money, when a solution is within arm’s reach!)